This podcast is brought to you by the Michigan Municipal League. Each week, we showcase insightful interviews on city innovations and politics, delve into the challenges of local government finance, share our members' amazing accomplishments, and take a fresh look at stories in the League's magazine.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Accept your American Rescue Plan Funds BY TUESDAY, July 27
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
American Rescue Plan funding is on the way: Learn how to access it and maximize it
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
New possibility is coming to town and you are one of the first to greet it. Maximizing the benefits of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding requires more than a little planning. Greeting these new dollars with good government practices, some strategic blue-sky thinking, and broad community engagement can help you grow possibility into real, long lasting benefits for your community and its people.
Join us for an information-packed webinar where you’ll hear from experts on:
-Strategies for coordination activities between different units of government
-Leveraging state, private and philanthropic dollars to maximize your ARP funding
-Navigating the Michigan Department of Treasury ARP application portal
-Reporting and auditing requirements
-How to access assistance in seeking, planning for, and utilizing your ARP dollars
Presenters: Plante Moran, Michigan Municipal League, and the Michigan Association of Counties

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Building Community Wealth and Economic Resilience
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Join the National Coalition for Community Capital (NC3) as they explore the use of Community Investment Funds (CIFs) as a way to strengthen local economies. The webinar, on July 14th from 12pm-1pm EST, will feature attorney Brian Beckon from Cutting Edge Capital; Janice Shade – founder of The Initiative for Local Capital; Deborah Frieze from the Boston Impact Initiative; and Helen Johnson – President of the Michigan Municipal League Foundation.
Moderator Chris Miller, a founding board member of NC3, Michigan State University Economic Innovation Fellow, and initiator of MILE, Michigan’s Investment Crowdfunding law, will lead the panel through a discussion of the existing CIF structures as well as a look at NC3’s proposed 21st Century CIF. NC3’s proposed CIF eliminates some of the challenges of the existing structures and opens up opportunities for consequential individual and community wealth-building through investment and ownership of community businesses, real estate, green energy and more.

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Host: Matt Bach, Asst. Director, Strategic Communications, Michigan Municipal League
On this episode of Live with the League, our staff will catch you up on short-term rental issue updates, state budget news, and the new American Rescue Plan portal https://bit.ly/2TWxyVR opening for Non-Entitlement Units of local government.

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Host: Matt Bach, Asst. Director, Strategic Communications, Michigan Municipal League
Hear the latest on the hotly debated short-term rental issue, Bridge Builders microgrant program, our Community Excellence Award finalists and an update on state budget talks.

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Host: Matt Bach, Asst. Director, Strategic Communications, Michigan Municipal League
On this episode hear the latest on the short-term rental and gravel mining pre-emption efforts, as well as a new package of bills on police reform.

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Short-term rentals press conference - June 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Learn more about current state legislation that aims to restrict the power of our local communities and citizens to make decisions on short-term rentals. The League's Dan Gilmartin will be joined by guests including property owners, and local leaders to discuss the negative impact of these bills, resolutions and what you can do to keep local power local.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Host: Matt Bach, Asst. Director, Strategic Communications, Michigan Municipal League
Special TUESDAY edition of Live with the League where we will discuss the hot topic of short-term rentals with bills pending in the state Legislature. Learn what you can do to help save our neighborhoods from being overrun with these vacation rentals. We also will cover the latest on recently-released American Rescue Plan guidance for small communities/non-entitlement communities, newly proposed MIOSHA COVID-19 emergency workplace rules and how online voting is getting underway for the MML’s Community Excellence Award competition. Vote until June 15 for your favorite project at http://cea.mml.org/.

Monday May 24, 2021
Stop big government from taking away local control - May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Stop big government from taking away local control from your communities!
Listen to the MML's virtual news conference about our opposition to the short-term rental bills pending in the state Legislature. https://bit.ly/3fzA8I9
Send a letter opposed to the bills using our Action Center! https://bit.ly/2T1cufW
Contact your state lawmakers today and tell them to oppose HB 4722 and SB 446.
Go to https://blogs.mml.org/wp/inside208/ for details.

Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Rich Donley, President, Mort Crim Communications, Inc.
Michelle Franzen Martin, Account Director, Mort Crim Communications, Inc.
Tiffany Jones and Bryan Peckinpaugh, Detroit Water & Sewerage Department
Trisha Bruzek, Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner's Office
Michigan’s revised Lead and Copper Rule has renewed public interest in the dangers of lead -- and with it, it has raised questions from residents about water safety, lead line replacement and test results. But making a complicated issue such as the Lead and Copper Rule understandable requires proactive messaging and a solid communications plan. Michelle Franzen Martin and Rich Donley of Mort Crim Communications Inc. (MCCI), with their partners from the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department and Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner's Office, will provide you with the steps necessary for communicating complicated issues to residents -- and, most importantly, making sure you use clear, consistent messaging to make sure they understand.