This podcast is brought to you by the Michigan Municipal League. Each week, we showcase insightful interviews on city innovations and politics, delve into the challenges of local government finance, share our members' amazing accomplishments, and take a fresh look at stories in the League's magazine.
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Matt Bach, Director of Communications, Michigan Municipal League
Chris Hackbarth, Director of State & Federal Affairs, Michigan Municipal League
On this week's Monday Morning Live, the League's Matt Bach sits down with Chris Hackbarth in a one-on-one conversation about the state budget deal tentatively reached between Governor Whitmer and the Legislature. We discuss what the budget means for cities and touch on other bills being worked on this week involving historic tax credits and regional transit authorities. We also run down our upcoming Newly Elected Officials training happening in Lansing on Dec. 11, Walker on Jan. 14, and Ann Arbor on Jan. 23. You can still register by clicking on the trainings that interest you in our events calendar here: http://www.mml.org/events/calendar.htm. This will be our last Monday Morning Live of the year. Our next one is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Jan. 6.